Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hobbits with fast Habits!

People are going crazy!
Metaphorically, and lately, quite literally so, speaking. Everyone seems to be suffering from something called information overload. On the Internet, the average "Search Engine" search, for a topic, is about 5 seconds.
If your browser doesn't jump into action, within about 5 seconds, you're probably starting a whole new search altogether, if not, you are one of the exceptional few web surfers that don't and you can consider yourself very fortunate indeed.  And you are probably going to have far less stress related ailments in life.

However, since there are so many high speed web surfers, out there and since us ordinary folk also need to get our information read, I have included a few guidelines on how to attract even the fastest of the fast

.      Lets start off with websites and blogs. 

Literally 1000's of online marketing companies are trying to sell the Bling, the glitter and the fancy lights to the website newbie. To start off, you are usually offered a grand tour, it's like a stroll in a Fair ground or Cassino. All of whom are subliminally putting out their wares in the most enticing of ways possible. Don't get me wrong now, this isn't a mud slinging contest, I am also bowled over by the "Gift Wrap". But in the end, we all know what usually happens to "wrapping,  it ends up in the trash. even the most ingenious kinds of wrapping, goes the same route > DUE SOUTH. You could spend many hours and $$  copying and pasting all of the glitter onto your website or blog only to find that in spite of a clever advertising campaign, none of your visitors, if any, as much as clicks on your sites. What could possibly be the problem here?

Trust me, there isn't any diabolical plot to outlaw your site. There are always a great many possibilities  for the apparent failure of a site and I am not going into all of them now.The ones  that I am going to discuss here are free to use and all things considered, should, improve your click through rate dramatically.


 Do remove some of the Glitter and Fluff! off of your websites. Have you noticed what you tend to do when attempting to open up a particularly slow website ,offering something that caught your eye? after a wait followed by a a few clicks on the reload button, you either page back, or click on the next similar offer on a lower ranking, in the same niche  or do an entire new Google search.

Have you noticed that some of the newer websites, seem to be using the minimalistic approach where less definitely is more. Some have their offers or products right there on the home page with their Cart or Paypal Donate button sitting right there as well in full view. Clever structuring and using clear sub headings  and titles, are paramount. There is also an amazing new aspect called "Siloing" which is all about keeping non related topics separate, but more about that later.

 . I simply love getting new and useful free software and guess what? so do several million other Internet users. Don't you just get seriously uptight though, when their operating instructions are so impractical and in conclusive that you will have wasted your money. What wasted money you might ask. Well then how about I let you into a little secret, Spending time on the Internet costs you money! Every FREE download, you end up paying for all those Megabites, one way or another.
I even have a hunch that certain unscrupulous Search engines actually prefer slower downloads, more revenue heading their way. It has a lot to do with your bandwidth as well.

Also, don't  you just get mad when you click on a site offering a free ebook which turns out to only be the ad for the real product of some actual book which is going to cost you $70 or more.

Finally, I have found this to be true as well, try as far as possible to make use of your search engines own apps like free websites and blogs. They are geared to handle all of their  "in house" problems with with interfacing etc. and are usually loaded with useful tutorials and how to tips. 


Post only human friendly articles that are really aimed at improving someones Internet experience
Keep your articles and reviews short. Like I said above, you have 5 seconds to serve the main course of the meal. Buzzers and buttons will ruin it for you. Remember it's only digital information. Do the gift wrapping like the fancy eBook cover  as well as a neat "Buy Now" button , include a few genuine testimonials and possibly one real  Cash check Screenshot. I repeat, less is more. Does'nt it  just hurt jou to  page all the way down 30 or 40 pages of never ending nonsense, reading repeated batches of words until you finally want to close the page, when out pops repeated further offers.

I am writing further articles on the subject and will publish them here soon.

Here are the two great free downloads tha t really work

Just do a Google search for  www.avira.com and pick up a free copy. I have been using it for over a year now and it just goes on and on.

And the other one is a genuine eBook covermaker called ACTIVE eBook compiler which includes a full how to tutorial.

Hobbits and habits: they dash around collecting hoards of stuff  from the forrest , only to find a short while later, that they never really wanted it in the first place. Then he goes to market and waits for someone to pick him up, find ing the que to the celery long and tiresome, and so starts the whole cycle all over again.

Remember, If You need different results in life, you must change your game plan.

Best wishes ,

Andre Hartslief.


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